Sisifo has been welcoming young people to its services since 2005.
The experience of the National Civil Service represents for Sisifo an additional channel for the recruitment of young people to be included in the organization.
For young people, the project represents an opportunity to experiment with cooperation and solidarity initiatives not only to gain professional experience but above all to improve one's civic, social and cultural education.
Requirements and conditions for admission
With the exception of members of military bodies or police forces, Italian citizens may participate in the selection, regardless of gender, who at the date of application, have completed eighteenth and not exceeded the twenty-eighth year of age, in possession of following requirements:
- being Italian citizens
- have not been sent a conviction, even if not definitive, to a penalty of imprisonment of more than one year for non-negligent offense, or a penalty of imprisonment, even of a lower amount for a crime against the person or concerning imprisonment, use, port, transport, illegal import or export weapons or explosive materials, or for offenses concerning membership or aiding in subversive, terrorist or organized crime groups.
The participation requirements must be held on the deadline for submission of applications and, with the exception of the age limit, maintained until the end of the service.
Young people who can not apply are:
a) already lend or have provided civil service as volunteers under the law n. 64 of 2001, or that they have interrupted the service before the scheduled deadline;
b) they have ongoing work or collaborative relationships with the entity that carries out the project in any capacity, or who have had such relationships in the previous year with a duration of more than three months.